Usage of pebble in the garden
Does your garden require a reformation and some rethinking? Usage of pebbles in different shape, size and color will be very useful in decorating the homestead territory.
When decorating a garden, everyone wants to create something interesting, but at the same time do everything in such a way as not to disturb the sense of the naturalness of the landscape. For that it is best to use simple materials. One of them is pebbles. The variety of its types makes it possible to realize any design idea.
Despite the fact that paving paths with pebbles is considered a common method, in this case it is also possible to create a unique and attractive appearance of straight or winding paths. It is recommended to lay the pebbles upward to increase the strength of the path (due to the strong coupling of the grout with the main surface of the pebbles).

Sites of the garden, flowerbeds
The use of pebbles in the design of flower beds, individual sections of the front garden is considered an excellent option. In this case, it is possible to distinguish zones of the territory, focus on some objects.

Tubes, containers with plants
Street plants, planted in large containers (the same tubs), decorated with pebbles, receive spectacular framing, as well as protection in the period of temperature lowering.

Artificial ponds
Decorative pebbles are often used when decorating the area around a pond. Lined in this way, the pond will look simply gorgeous, without losing its natural look. Pebbles are used for drainage as well. During the creation of pond a lot of attention is paid to that. In addition, one more task is being solved: all the engineering networks to the pond could be hidden under it.

Summer shower
Many people are installing a summer shower in the garden, which will help in sultry days to relieve fatigue and cool down. In this case, the pebble will perfectly beat, for example, the marine theme.

These are not all the possibilities of using pebbles for decoration; everything depends on the persons imagination, thoughts and creativity.
In addition, from walking along pebbled paths will benefit one’s health. The effect of this kind of massage will be better than just walking through the sand or grass. In this case, all receptors in the human feet will be involved; all of their points will be massaged. Walking along the paths barefoot, you can regularly receive a free massage in Japanese shiatsu style.
You can buy pebbles in our company and we will deliver it to you as soon as possible.
In addition to this material, we offer to purchase: fertile black earth, gravel, washed sand and crushed stone of all fractions.
In order to get more information about the prices and methods of delivery of the necessary materials, please contact us: +371 282 555 42